Ebola virus pdf article

Ebola virus ebov disease is an infectious condition with a high burden in global mortality. Ebola virus disease is a serious, often fatal condition in humans and nonhuman primates. Four of the five virus strains occur in an animal host native to africa. Original article from the new england journal of medicine a randomized, controlled trial of ebola virus disease therapeutics. How news coverage of coronavirus compares to ebola time. However, on the basis of evidence and the nature of similar viruses, researchers believe that the virus is animalborne and that bats are the most likely reservoir. The virus soon outbreak of ebola virus disease evd in nigeria was declared over got transmitted from these animals to cause ebola virus infection on october 19, 2014. The first evd outbreak was reported in the 1970s in zaire now the democratic republic of the congo. The emerging infectious diseases journal has published many articles on ebola.

The natural reservoir host of ebola virus remains unknown. The bodies and carcasses of chimpanzees and gorillas. Multisystem involvement with hypotension and respiratory, kidney and liver failure may ensue, as well as internal and external bleeding 8. Ebola virus disease in west africain this report on the current epidemic. Ebolaviruses belong to the filoviridae family and ebolavirus genus in the baltimore v classification system. Introduction to ebola virus disease world health organization. A national evd outbreak is considered to in humans. The first recognized ebola outbreak occurred in 1976, near the ebola river in zaire now democratic republic of congo, drc.

An ebola vaccine has been approved by the european medicines agency. Ebola virus disease associated sequelae and lateonset complications musculoskeletal disorders, diffuse pain syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome. Humans can be infected by ebola virus by direct contact with blood and body fluids of infected animals such as apes, gorillas, fruit bats, and monkeys 6, 17, 18. Ebola virus, formally called zaire ebolavirus, is a rare virus that infects humans and nonhuman animals such as pigs and other primates. For ebola in the democratic republic of the congo, the end will have to. As of late october 2014, the world health organization reported,567 suspected cases and 4922 deaths, although the agency believes that this substantially. The incubation period for ebola virus disease ranges from two to 21 days and is characterized by fever, headache, myalgias and gastrointestinal symptoms 3. Zaire ebolavirus with type virus ebola virus ebov, bundibugyo ebolavirus. The following are the supplementary data to this article. Unpredictable risks, preventable epidemics august 2016 the new england journal of medicine article on the scale and growth of the epidemic, origins of human infection in west africa, the effect of interventions, and preparation for future outbreaks. A randomized, controlled trial of ebola virus disease.

Ebola virus disease, viral haemorrhagic fever, filovirus. The journal published its first ebola article in 1995, volume 1, issue number 3. There is no evidence that pet cat and dogs, mosquitoes, or other insects can transmit ebola virus 17. Ebola disease is a severe, often fatal illness in humans. First fdaapproved vaccine for the prevention of ebola. Ebola virus infection associated with transmission from survivors. Ebola hemorrhagic fever alternatively ebola haemorrhagic fever, ehf, or just ebola is a very rare, but severe, mostly fatal infectious disease occurring in humans and other primates, caused by. Fda announced today the approval of ervebo, the first fdaapproved vaccine for the prevention of ebola virus disease evd, caused by zaire ebolavirus in individuals 18 years of age and older. Additionally, we have included articles and reports referenced in the ba sic literature. Ebolaviruses belong to the genus ebolavirus of the family filoviridae in the order mononegavirales. Ebola is one of several viral hemorrhagic fevers, caused by infection with a virus of the filoviridae.

Ebola, the killer virus infectious diseases of poverty. Article pdf available february 2015 with 5,147 reads. Ebola virus is one of the most virulent pathogens known to infect humans. Ebola is a rare but deadly virus that causes fever, body aches, and diarrhea, and sometimes bleeding inside and outside the body as the virus spreads through the body, it damages the immune. The first evd outbreak was reported in the 1970s in zaire now the democratic. The ebola virus causes ebola virus disease evd, or sim ply ebola, in. Ebola virus disease evd is a lifethreatening viral disease with a fatality rate ranging from around 30% to 90%. It is caused by an infection with one of five known ebola virus species, four of which can cause disease in people. Until 20, most outbreaks occurred in the central africa region, including zaire, sudan and uganda.

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